7/2/2015 9:17:45 AM
The Fast Track
Fasting is not a popular topic in today's church. In a world full of indulgence and abundance, who wants to hear a message about voluntary deprivation? Believe me. I get it. Fasting doesn't sound pleasant. I get hungry just hearing the word "fast." But, fasting will change your heart and help you grow closer to God, and for that reason we should want to learn about Biblical fasting.
What is a fast?
Fasting is abstaining from food or something else for a period of time. Fasting should always be combined with prayer. You'll see why in a few paragraphs.
Does God command us to fast?
There is no scripture that commands believers to fast. However, there are a number of scriptures where Jesus instructs us how to fast. (Matt 9:15, Matt 6:1-18). In fact, the Bible tells us that Jesus fasted! (Mark 1:12-13, Matt. 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13). If our goal is to be more like our Savior, then we too should fast.
What am I trying to accomplish by fasting?
First, fasting isn't about food. It's about focus. "[T]he purpose of Christian fasting should be to take our eyes off the things of this world and focus our thoughts on God." (http://www.allaboutprayer.org/prayer-and-fasting.htm). We fast in search of a "deeper fellowship with God." (ibid).
The prophet Isaiah writes about the acceptable motives for our fasts: “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter -- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?” (Isaiah 58:6-7)
Setting the oppressed free? Loose the chains of injustice? Yeah, I'm on board now!
What roll does prayer have when I am fasting?
Prayer and fasting are linked together throughout the Bible. (Luke 2:37, 2 Sam 2:16, Daniel 9:3). If the goal of fasting is to grow closer to God, it would make sense that we spend time with Him as we fast. Not only will we focus on Him more, but He will give us the strength to complete our fast. If you aren't focused on the things of this world, you can hear God more clearly. Take advantage of it!
What do I fast from?
There are many ways to fast. You can fast from one meal or you can fast from food all day long. You can fast from snacks between meals or you can abstain from certain foods. If you aren't sure what to fast, ask God. Be led by the Holy Spirit. That's the point of fasting. Allow God to speak to your heart. He will give you wisdom! (See James 1:5)
What if I have specific nutritional needs?
For medical reasons, some people may not be able to go without food for a period of time. But, that doesn't mean you can't fast! You can "abstain only from certain foods, like sugar or chocolate, or from something other than food. In truth, believers can fast from anything. Doing without something temporarily, such as television or soda, as a way of redirecting our focus from earthly things toward God, can also be considered a spiritual fast." (http://www.allaboutgod.com/christian-fasting.htm)
Final words
Be led. Fasting is a spiritual discipline and it's not easy. But, if you commit yourself to fasting and prayer, you will see change. You will see breakthrough.
In His love,
Have you decided to fast?
We'd love to hear about it! Email us at christianfaithmanistee@yahoo.com.
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